Sometimes I forget.
I forget who I am and I fall into ennui and darkness.
Sometimes I forget.
I forget that I have no power.
All the power is with God.
Everything that I do.
Everything that I see, hear, touch, taste--even think is a blessing from God.
He created my tongue, my hand, my eyes, my ears!
Because he wants me to remember him.
In this effort, I fail.
His brilliance, His glory is too magnificent for men.
We cannot look upon Him in our normal bodies.
What is the glory of God?
His work is all of us: to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man!
His fire, His majesty, all is for mankind.
I need to remember Him--in everything.
I forget Him--almost every day.
Does He forget me?
I tell you now and forever, the answer is no!
In spite of my sins, in spite of my pride, even though I dance with the devil, giving him all control over me, the God who created me remembers me.
More importantly, He loves me without condition.
I love Him too, but I am not perfect.
I am lost.
The devil found me and he is cruel.
It is easy to escape:
If you open your heart to God,
His fire burns bright for us and He will guide us back to Him.
He is magnificent.
He is light, and truth.